We are at High School
Within the scope of the “let’s make life easier together” project implemented since january 2017, ‘’ Is exam my life or is my life the exam ‘’personal development seminars conducted for high school students in the center and in the districts far from the center, and studies with 32 high school and approximately four thousand high school students. As a result, it has been observed that young people have problems with internet usege, accesssibility and stress management. In the satisfaction survey after the project, it was determined that most of the participants gave positive feedback. The main working areas of the project, whose focus group is high school 1.2.3. and 4th grades (9,10,11 and 12), are as follows. Within the scope of our capacity development programs for youths personal development seminar and” digitalizing world and future” seminar, the change process of technology and its effect on professions, social media algorithms and correct use of social media, use of digital platforms such as Google Academy, what is perception management in the digital World? Seminars are held. Within the scope of our pscycho-social support activities for youths, interactivite studies are carried out about “Is exam my life or ıs my life the exam ” (40 minutes), stress management, motivation, sports at home and digital addiction. Within the scope of our studies about youth participation; Fikrimiz, Entrepreneurship Center ve Fablab(60 Minutes) to youths, development of projects and ideas that will make social impact social entrepreneur ship, design – focused thinking and internet of things etc. Information is provided by our units, where they can receive training and benefit from their physcial areas. Within the scope of our youth support programs; With the “Book Card” Project, which is implemented in order to create equality of opportunity in education ( test book, lecture book, etc.) for high school students who are preparing for university exams and have limited access to financial resources , a limited number of young people are given book card support with a load of 150 TL. Youths are informed about the free and unlimited access to the mock exams module working with artificial intelligence system, free courses, awareness studies, online seminars and personal development workshops throughout the year on the www.gencizmir.com web portal.